How To
Your Video

Welcome to our Video Creation Guide! Here, we’ll walk you through the process of creating an engaging 1–3-minute video for your profile.

This video is your chance to show your personality, highlight your skills, and make a memorable first impression. Below are some ideas and tips to help you create an effective video.

Creating Your Video Resume:

Easy Steps to Shine!

Whether you’re using your phone or computer, crafting your standout video resume is a breeze
with Viva Engage. Follow these simple steps:

Whether you’re using your phone or computer, crafting your standout video resume is a breeze with Viva Engage. Follow these simple steps:

On Your Cell Phone

Record with Confidence

Grab your phone and hit record! Speak clearly and confidently about your skills and experience.

Steady as You Go

Use a tripod or find a stable surface for a steady shot. Frame yourself from the top of your head to just below your shoulders. Opt for good lighting to highlight your best self.

Easy Upload

Head to the ""Apply Now" section, fill in the form, and attach your video directly from your phone's library.

On Your Computer

Record and Save

Record your video with your preferred camera then upload that video to your computer and save it in your preferred location.

Stay Stable

Get up close and personal for a clear shot and ensure you're in good lighting, allowing your skills to shine.

Easy Upload

Navigate to the "Apply Now" section, complete the form, and attach your video from the saved folder.

Power Tips to Elevate Your Video

Remember, this video is your chance to make a memorable first impression. GOOD LUCK

Introduce Yourself

Start by sharing your name, where you’re from, and your current role or position. It’s always nice to know a bit about the person behind the camera.

Example: Hello! My name is [Your Name], I’m from [Your Location], and I currently work as a [Your Current Role].

Share Your Morning Routine

People often find morning routines interesting because they can reveal a lot about a person’s lifestyle and values. Share how you start your day. Do you meditate? Exercise? Brew a special kind of coffee?

Example: Hello! My name is [Your Name], I’m from [Your Location], and I currently work as a [Your Current Role].

Highlight Your Skills

Showcase Your Professional SkillsTalk about your professional skills and experiences. What are you good at? What unique skills do you bring to the table?

Example: I’m an experienced data analyst with a knack for interpreting complex data sets and a passion for helping businesses make informed decisions.

Present Your Soft Skills

Soft skills are equally important. These can include communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and emotional intelligence.

Example: I pride myself on my strong communication skills, which have helped me build strong relationships with clients and teammates alike.

Show Your Personality

Share Your Interests. Talk about your interests and hobbies outside of work. This helps give a more rounded picture of who you are as an individual.

Example: Outside of work, I enjoy hiking, reading novels, and volunteering at my local animal shelter.

Discuss Your Aspirations

Share what motivates you and where you see yourself in the future. What are your goals? What drives you?

Example: I aspire to become a team leader, where I can leverage my skills to drive team performance and contribute to the company’s success.