The Application Process Demystified: How to Join the Viva Engage Community

Learn how to navigate the application process and join the thriving Viva Engage community. From creating a standout application video to submitting your materials, this blog post provides a step-by-step guide to help you seamlessly join Viva Engage and unlock your global career potential.


Are you eager to join the vibrant and thriving Viva Engage community? Look no further! In this blog post, we will demystify the application process, providing you with a clear and concise guide to joining the esteemed legal staffing solutions provider. From creating an impressive application video to submitting your materials, we will walk you through each step, ensuring a seamless experience as you embark on your journey with Viva Engage.

  1. Craft a Standout Application Video:

Your application video is your chance to make a memorable first impression. To create a standout video:

  • Keep it brief: Aim for a video between 2-3 minutes, introducing yourself, highlighting relevant skills and experiences, and expressing your interest in the role.
  • Plan your content: Outline what you want to convey, emphasizing why you’re the perfect fit for the role and how your skills contribute to organizational success.
  • Speak clearly: Fluency in English is crucial, so speak clearly and confidently. Practice pronunciation and minimize filler words to deliver a professional presentation.
  • Record in a suitable environment: Choose a quiet, well-lit space free from distractions. A professional appearance and background will leave a positive impression.
  1. Prepare Your Application Materials:

In addition to your application video, ensure your supporting materials are up to par:

  • Up-to-date resume: Tailor your resume to highlight relevant skills and experiences, showcasing how they align with the desired role.
  • Emphasize achievements: Include notable achievements and quantify results to demonstrate your capabilities and accomplishments.
  1. Submitting Your Application:

Once your video and supporting materials are ready, it’s time to submit your application to Viva Engage:

  • Uploading process: Navigate to the Viva Engage platform and follow the instructions to upload your application video and resume.
  • Application review: Our dedicated team reviews all submissions within 24-48 hours, ensuring prompt consideration for the roles you’re interested in.
  1. Wait for a Response:

After submitting your application, patiently await a response from Viva Engage:

  • Timelines: Allow sufficient time for our team to review your application thoroughly. We strive to provide timely responses within a reasonable timeframe.
  • Stay proactive: While waiting, continue exploring other opportunities and enhancing your skills. Viva Engage values proactive candidates who demonstrate a commitment to personal and professional growth.


The application process to join the dynamic Viva Engage community is now demystified. By creating a standout application video, preparing your supporting materials diligently, and submitting your application through our platform, you’re taking the first step towards unlocking your global career potential. Join Viva Engage today and let us help you navigate the legal industry with confidence and success.

Ready to join the thriving Viva Engage community and unlock your global career potential?

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